Autofill Formula Across a Row (Right Fill)

In Excel, unlike the ability to quickly fill down rows by double-clicking the bottom right corner of the cell, filling across columns takes a couple more steps. Here are few methods to achieve this:

Method 1: Ctrl + R

  1. Enter Formula: Type formula into the starting cell of your row range.
  2. Select Range: Select range on same row to copy formula to, making sure your source cell is the active cell.
  3. Shortcut: Press Ctrl + R to fill the formula to the right across multiple columns in the same row.

Method 2: Ctrl + Shift + Arrow key (Right) for large areas

  1. Enter Formula: Type formula into the starting cell of your row range.
  2. Select Range: Press Ctrl + Shift + Arrow key (Right) to select the range of cells, making sure your source cell is the active cell (may have to hit Ctrl + Arrow Select a couple times)
  3. Shortcut: Press Ctrl + R to fill the formula across the selected range, copying the formula from the first/active cell to the remainder of selected cells.

Method 3: Fill Button

  1. Enter Formula: Type formula into the starting cell of your row range.
  2. Select Range: Select range on same row to copy formula to, making sure your source cell is the active cell.
  3. Activate Fill: From the Home tab, select the Fill button or enter shortcut Alt + H + FI + R
  4. Fill Right: Press the Right button to fill the formula to the right.